Graduation… Now what?

I thought it might be time for a quick life update, seeing as I have missed a few months of blogging. This past month I graduated from Stanford University! It has been a wild ride of a senior year but I pushed through and now I have a Bachelor of Science in Earth Systems with Honors! I just want to take some space here to reflect on graduating and look forward to what comes next.

First off, I should probably explain what Earth Systems is. Earth Systems is an interdisciplinary program in the School of Earth, Energy, and the Environment. Through this major I was able to focus on marine science but still take classes about agriculture and geology, I even completed my honors thesis with a geology professor. Earth Systems gave me the breadth and depth of knowledge about the world around us and how we interact and are a part of the earth system, while also allowing me to explore the different ways I am connected with the world around me.

Not only that, but Earth Systems provided me with a family on campus and connections that I know will continue to support and nurture me throughout the rest of my life. So thank you Earth Systems for guiding and teaching me but not forcing me into a pigeonhole.

Next, I want to talk about graduating during the pandemic. Obviously, this year was a senior year unlike any other. I haven’t lived on campus since the pandemic started last winter (which is unusual as most Stanford students live on campus all four years) and all of my classes this past year have been completely remote. Not only was that a new challenge, but I was also completing an honors thesis entirely online (for more about that see my blog post about conducting my research). The academics were more challenging, I didn’t really get a senior season of rugby, and I didn’t get to see a lot of my friends, but I had other experiences that I never would have had otherwise. For the winter quarter, I was living on my own in my Aunt and Uncle’s house. I wouldn’t have lived alone otherwise, and realize that it really isn’t for me. This year also felt like a trial run for keeping in touch with my friends when we are all over the place doing so many amazing things! I have graduated and have a job as do some of my friends, but others haven’t graduated yet because they took time off, or are staying in school to get their masters or even going to medical school. Now comes the time when seeing each other just gets harder and at least we have had some practice with long-distance friendships during this past year.

All that aside, we were able to have an in-person graduation ceremony and it was amazing. It was hot and sunny, but it was also a time for all of us to come together and celebrate all that we have achieved in the past four years. It was such a special day for everyone, and it reminded me of how lucky I am to have such wonderful and talented friends and to be a part of the Stanford family forever!

Now onto the really interesting, and slightly terrifying, stuff. What comes next? I just moved to New York City and am starting training to be a Middle School Science teacher! I am super excited to share my love of science with all the little scientists of New York and to live in a completely new place. On here I will be continuing to share what I learn about the oceans, but I will also be sharing what I am learning about living sustainably while I navigate my way through my first year of teaching and real adulting! Everything is about to change but I am excited to see where the next year takes us.

If you have any New York recommendations please leave them in the comments! I am excited to jump into this new phase of my life and see what it will be like!


Crash Course in What I Don’t Want


An introduction to the Social Ocean