Oceans of Hope Podcast

Episode 5: My First Protest!

Happy Monday! Welcome back to Oceans of Hope. Today’s episode is super exciting for me! A few weeks ago, I went to a protest to speak out against a shark fishing tournament that was happening here in south Florida (shout out to @CadeSavesSharks for bringing it to my attention). I had a really wonderful time getting to add my voice to a cause that I am passionate about, plus it was my first time protesting! In today’s episode, I talk a bit about the background of the tournament that I was protesting, with a few good shark facts, as well as how you can add your voice to causes that you are passionate about. Protesting was really fulfilling for me and I think we should all be adding our voices to causes that we believe in whatever ways we feel comfortable. So, find a cause you believe in and get involved!

 Links to things referenced in the episode:

My Website

The petition to stop shark fishing tournaments in Florida


Follow Oceans of Hope on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok! Message me if you have any suggestions for guests to have on the podcast or for a topic I should record an episode on. Also, make sure to share the petition that you choose to sign, or what cause you are getting involved in.






**Disclaimer: Everything I say about shark fishing and fishing tournaments in this episode are my own opinions, not any hard and fast facts.


Episode 4


Episode 6