New Year, New Decade, Fresh Start

Every year we all approach the beginning of the new year as a fresh start. A new year where we can do anything that we want to do. It is a time where everything is possible, but most of the time we make the same resolutions:

  • Be healthier/Loose weight

  • Read more

  • Be kinder

  • etc.

and most of the time they aren’t kept to the extent that we originally wanted to keep them. Why is it that this is the only time that we feel like we can make meaningful changes in our lives? Why don’t we approach every day as if it were New Years?

One of my intentions for the new year is to treat every day as a new opportunity to be the person I want to be. To treat each day like a new year an each week like a new decade. Every time the sun rises it is a new chance to make a change and every time the sun sets it is an opportunity for reflection.

To keep myself accountable with the rest of my intentions for the new year I am going to share them here. Hopefully you all can help me keep them each day, and if you comment some of your New Years Resolutions or Intentions then we can all keep each other accountable.

Here are my intentions to work on this year and to keep for the rest of my life:

  • To be grateful for each and every day

  • To approach every situation and person with love (including myself)

  • To be mindful (and take action when possible) about my waste and impact on the environment.

  • To share what I learn and am excited about with others.

May this year be the one where we all treat each day with the renewed hope and desire that we treat this holiday and this decade be the one where we make big changes for ourselves and our planet!

